Here is part of IGEES message Anthony sent me: The second membership is for members of affiliated guppy clubs. If y=u belong to any of the following guppy clubs you may join IGEES for half p=ice ($10 US) Once you sign up your application will be subject to verif=cation by the IGEES officer from your club. Currently the following clu=s are recognized affiliates of IGEES.
Boston Guppy Club - USA
Midwest Guppy Club - USA
Oregon Guppy Clu= - USA
Malaysian Guppy Club - Malaysia
Korean Gusamo Guppy Club - Ko=ea
FCGF- Taiwan
MKAT- Russia
Guppen-Enzo - Netherlands
If you belong to a guppy club or organization that is not listed above and =hink your club would be interested in joining IGEES please have someone co=tact either myself or Andrew Lim.