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Why Phillip Shaddock book is incorrect!!! - Страница 7 - Форум / ForumWhy Phillip Shaddock book is incorrect!!! - Страница 7 - Форум / Forum
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Why Phillip Shaddock book is incorrect!!!
genetika-guppyДата: Среда, 09.02.2011, 22:18 | Сообщение # 151
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Quote (christinag)
Absolutely! This is only way - we must duplicate result to see it. But we would be very interested in if you could test our findings as well!

Many european genetics rules we can destroy by our cross results.

For example, from cross transparent and albino (both recessive) can recieve wild type of Base body color (full dominant). Is Albino BAse body color?

No of course!!! wink

We wait it from you about russian Base body colors gene table.

No one yet!!! smile

Quote (christinag)
That is what I am interested in! Why you started on lutein AND astaxantin for example. What was the motivation for you to go test these ? Just asking, I want to know.

See post # 150

Quote (christinag)
Of course, Sergey. This was not what I meant. You misinterpreted me. I wanted to know, WHY you validate this color so much/important. We in Europe have this only as secondary /sex color. Never mention it in tables.
It is obvious, that any fish must have iridofores. The belly makes the fish invisible for predators coming from underside (the water surface is light and fish must be light). Therefore we do not consider this a Guppy "breeding" interest in the same way.

Also a fish assumes "night dress" when nature goes darker. Predators will not see the iridofores, on a fish that can control them. We in Europe therefore consider iridofores only be interest as Top color for "breeding beauty".

Blue-white color is work of guanophores. It is important for breeding becouse it is part of Base body color systems of guppy and see post # 150 again... biggrin

christinagДата: Четверг, 10.02.2011, 01:39 | Сообщение # 152
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Hello again!

For example, from cross transparent and albino (both recessive) can recieve wild type of Base body color (full dominant).

Yes -
and no!
You will get a fenotype wild grey in the F1 - NOT a genotype wild grey! Just check the F2
Result from Transparent and Albino can never be genotype grey.

Is Albino BAse body color?
No of course!!!

Yes it is, but not the one crossing above happy

The same thing happens when you cross Albino RRE with Albino WRE. The F1 offspring becomes wild grey fenotype. Two different tyrosinase-problems cancel each other out because they become heterozygot in the F1. Fenotype becomes wild grey.

Hi from Christina

Сообщение отредактировал christinag - Четверг, 10.02.2011, 01:41
genetika-guppyДата: Четверг, 10.02.2011, 09:46 | Сообщение # 153
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Quote (christinag)
Yes -
and no!
You will get a fenotype wild grey in the F1 - NOT a genotype wild grey! Just check the F2
Result from Transparent and Albino can never be genotype grey.

You will get heterozygous Gray genotype and Wild Gray Phenotype in F1!!!


F1 is 100% Gray!!!

Foto and cross result by Vladimir Storozhev

Прикрепления: 0235815.jpg (20.9 Kb) · 3144872.jpg (109.6 Kb)
christinagДата: Пятница, 11.02.2011, 04:26 | Сообщение # 154
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Hello Sergey!

The pictures ar good for understanding!

Your parental generation are NOT Albino according to EUROPEAN classification. They are amelanistic, but in European Table several types are amelanistic.

Possible explanation:

Your parental fish "Transparent" look visually like our "Creme" or perhaps "White".
Your parental fish "Albino" look visually like our "Albino1" bu tnot 100% (very light color, perhaps camera effect?)
Two of them have dark eyes
One of them has red eyes, this specimen also seems to have fla(=flavus) and blue top color

Theese fish have their amelanistic properties because of different damages in melanosynthesis.
They give grey offspring 100%.
They also give 100% offspring with fenotype flavus-gene, but genotype heterozygot flavusgene, because flavus is dominant. This is visible in both male and female offspring. Also the offspring look like they have blue secondary sex color (recessive).

Interesting cross perhaps, but does not reveal anything new.

I will look further on your color "Transparent" and try to identify it.
Thankyou for the pictures!

Greetings from Christina.

Сообщение отредактировал christinag - Пятница, 11.02.2011, 04:40
genetika-guppyДата: Пятница, 11.02.2011, 14:12 | Сообщение # 155
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Quote (christinag)
Your parental generation are NOT Albino according to EUROPEAN classification. They are amelanistic, but in European Table several types are amelanistic.

Where is evidance and what is amelanistic (with red eye)? Where is difference between Albino and amelanistic? cool

Quote (christinag)
Your parental fish "Transparent" look visually like our "Creme" or perhaps "White".

On parrents pictures you can see 2 Full transparent males (no pigments) and 1 RREA female (with Gray BAse body color genotype)

Quote (christinag)
Theese fish have their amelanistic properties because of different damages in melanosynthesis.

No melanothores for all fishes + red eyes (microscope asay).

Quote (christinag)

Flavus gene is not Base body color gene. This gene you can see on adult guppy only. All F1 will Gray on first minute after born. It is real Wild heterozygous genotype and phenotype. wink

ВладимирДата: Пятница, 11.02.2011, 16:55 | Сообщение # 156
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sad -даже не подозревал,что в Европе так всё запущенно-в двух соснах заблудились
christinagДата: Суббота, 12.02.2011, 00:31 | Сообщение # 157
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Hello Vladimir biggrin

Ja nitschewo зразумець russkij happy


Добавлено (12.02.2011, 00:31)

Where is evidance and what is amelanistic (with red eye)? Where is difference between Albino and amelanistic?

Microscopic evidence and dopamin-test biochemically
And of course visual breeding practice in hobby

Dark eye = very small microscopic melanine production present
Red eye = no melanine, only reflection of light on retina

On parrents pictures you can see 2 Full transparent males (no pigments) and 1 RREA female (with Gray BAse body color genotype)

Yes - agreed and understood!

No melanothores for all fishes + red eyes (microscope asay).

Yes - agreed and understood!

Flavus gene is not Base body color gene. This gene you can see on adult guppy only. All F1 will Gray on first minute after born. It is real Wild heterozygous genotype and phenotype.

Yes - agreed ---- it is dominant gene, and will show even in heteroxygot state.

amelanistic = no melanin
amelanistic = also perhaps only EMPTY non-functional melanocyte

cause of amelanism = different causes possible

Russian Transparent guppy = amelanistic
Russian Albino Guppy = amelanistic
European Albino guppy = amelanistic
European Lutino guppy = amelanistic
European Blond guppy = 50% melanistic
European/Russian Wild Grey Guppy = 100% melanistic

Microscopic study and dopamin-precursor-test on different European Base Body colors:
(Perhaps little old)
Goodrich, H. B., Josephson, N. D., Trinkaus J. P. och J. M. Slate: ”The cellular expression of two new genes in Lebites reticulatus. Genetics 29:584-592”, 1944.

Hello from Christina

ВладимирДата: Суббота, 12.02.2011, 07:58 | Сообщение # 158
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на фото микроскоп прозрачных.
они имеют черный пигмент и совсем не анимеланистики.
вы плохо в микроскоп смотрели sad
Прикрепления: 2689216.jpg (42.1 Kb)

Сообщение отредактировал Владимир - Суббота, 12.02.2011, 07:59
christinagДата: Воскресенье, 13.02.2011, 10:12 | Сообщение # 159
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Прывітанне Уладзімір!

Я думаю, я разумею - Празрысты гуппи = мікраскапічных меланіну
Рускія празрыстыя еўрапейскія = Белы / Weiss?
Я думаю, што гэта ж

Еўрапейскі Белай генатыпу апісанне:
Два генатыпу існуе
Еўрапейскі Blue 1 х еўрапейскіх бландынку
Еўрапейскі блакітны 2 х еўрапейскіх бландынку

Еўрапейскі Белай фенатып апісанне (Dzwillo 1959):
Цёмныя вочы (не чырвоны)
Далёкі ўніз седзячы меланофорах
Круглая форма меланофорах
Вельмі маленькі меланофорах
Высокая празрыстасць скуры
Кроў вуліцах ледзь прыкметныя
цела страўніка мігаценне металічных белы-срэбра
Няма цёмныя краю па маштабах
Спелыя колеры: сіні і зялёны можа з'явіцца, але слаба
Чырвоны пігмент адсутнічае
Жоўты пігмент адсутнічае

Тое ж, што сістэма культуры Platys, "Blutendes Herz" = Крывацёк сэрца
Тое ж, што змяя сістэмы культуры, "Вайс Лінг"
Тое ж, што талісман> Алімпійскіх гульнях у Барселоне>> http://www.barcelona-turist-guide.se/images/snowflake.jpg

Еўрапейскі срэбра не супадае з рускай Празрысты
Еўрапейскі Серабро, малака, як бодзі-арт
у адваротным выпадку ён вельмі падобны

Я лічу, што Еўрапейскі Белы жа, як і Расею празрыста. Што вы думаеце?

Няма вырошчвання гуппи "Albinismus totalis"
Вельмі блізка да еўрапейскай "белых-белых"
Гэта не тое ж самае, як еўрапейскі белы

Я чуў, што Еўрапейскі табліцы часам выкарыстоўваюцца ў Расію выставы?

Я выкарыстаў гэты перакладчык:

З найлепшымі пажаданнямі
Крысціна G

ВладимирДата: Воскресенье, 13.02.2011, 11:02 | Сообщение # 160
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не так-белые и прозрачные это разные генотипы и естественно фенотипы.
оба генотипа имеют черный пигмент.
покажите прозрачных европейских с полным отсуствием черного пигмента
Прикрепления: 0738501.jpg (144.0 Kb) · 2384365.jpg (112.2 Kb)
christinagДата: Воскресенье, 13.02.2011, 15:03 | Сообщение # 161
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Пераклад не працуе sad
Мы можам паглядзець на фатаграфіі biggrin

Вашы фатаграфіі:
0738501.jpg = "еўрапейскі белы"= "Вайс"
2384365.jpg = "еўрапейскі белы"= "Вайс"
Я бачу розніцу ў фатаграфіі, але ў Еўропе гэта ж njet


Яны маюць чырвоныя вочы:

Еўрапейскі Albino1
Еўрапейскі Albino2/Lutino
Еўрапейскі Альбіна-Вейсса

Яны чорныя вочы:

Еўрапейскі дзікіх шэрых
Еўрапейскі бландынку
Еўрапейскі Золата
Еўрапейскі Blue1
Еўрапейскі Blue2/Asian Блаў
Еўрапейскі Blue3/Hellblau
Еўрапейскі Белай
Еўрапейскі Срэбны
Еўрапейскі крэм

Еўрапейскі Вайс = Расею Transparent?

Паглядзіце на гэтую карціну для
Еўрапейскі Срэбны

Крысціна G

Прикрепления: 2751578.jpg (248.1 Kb)
ВладимирДата: Воскресенье, 13.02.2011, 21:01 | Сообщение # 162
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на картинке не серебряные европейские- а только название от них.
прозрачных и белых покажите для сравнения между собой и желательно самцов.
предметней разговор получится.
а эти на фото- по европейски все одинаковые-светлые,одной фоновой видимо,при чем у них тогда и генотип по фоновой должен быть одинаковый.
Прикрепления: 9046524.jpg (114.9 Kb)

Сообщение отредактировал Владимир - Воскресенье, 13.02.2011, 21:09
christinagДата: Понедельник, 14.02.2011, 07:45 | Сообщение # 163
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Дакладна такі ж выява цяжка атрымаць. Колеры сустракаюцца вельмі рэдка. Адначасовае фатаграфія немагчыма cry

Плюс: у іншых водах рыбы выглядаюць па-рознаму

Я зрабіў пераходу табліцу, Каб зразумець Расію генетычных колеру на верхняй праймеры еўрапейскіх.

Ідзем далей і глядзець гэта, гэта можа быць цікава:

Greetings from
Christina G

genetika-guppyДата: Понедельник, 14.02.2011, 13:33 | Сообщение # 164
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Quote (christinag)
Your parental generation are NOT Albino according to EUROPEAN classification. They are amelanistic, but in European Table several types are amelanistic.

I mean Albino and Amelanistic is the same.

You invent terms to explain the errors in your table. It's not about you specifically, but about the European system. cool

christinagДата: Вторник, 15.02.2011, 01:47 | Сообщение # 165
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I see what you mean. You exclusively use it for 100% amelanism. But then your system is in error also, because your Albino can also produce melanin in microscopic amounts. It will not show fenotypically so much, but in microscope. Our Albino has the same. I used the expression only to illustrate, that "you will fenotypivcally see no dark colors" Both Albino and Lutino can produce micro-melanophores! We are talking about guppy here, not general definition. wink

Albinismus totalis does not exist in guppy. We define Albinism (European Albino1) in Guppy according to genetic research in Haskins & Haskins; Heredity, London 1948, Vol 2 / No 2.
The first Albino-guppies in breeding were recorded in litterature in New Jersey, USA, 1940, as a natural appearing mutation.

OK? biggrin

Hi from Christina G

Добавлено (15.02.2011, 01:47)
Albino in your picture can produce micro-melanophores - this shows in shade of color in tail for example. Iridiphore-color does not appear solo for the eye like this. It needs micro-melanine.

Hi from Christina

Сообщение отредактировал christinag - Вторник, 15.02.2011, 01:48
ВладимирДата: Вторник, 15.02.2011, 11:40 | Сообщение # 166
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так покажите нам меланин черного цвета на альбиносах-под микроскопом,в микро формах.
это какие альбиносы по вашему
Прикрепления: 6850911.jpg (99.9 Kb) · 4528034.jpg (97.2 Kb)
genetika-guppyДата: Вторник, 15.02.2011, 14:17 | Сообщение # 167
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Quote (christinag)
But then your system is in error also, because your Albino can also produce melanin in microscopic amounts.

I mean it is incorrect information dear Christina. We have evidence about Full albino genes and Part albino (Lutino) genes. Both genes are independent!!!

Please show to us photo of REEA with little melanin amount. I mean you told about Lutino as Albino.

christinagДата: Среда, 16.02.2011, 09:12 | Сообщение # 168
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Привет Владимир и Сергей!

Фото 6850911.jpg
Фото 4528034.jpg

изображения трудно понять, с чем не сравнится. Все фотографии очень яркие, трудно увидеть, что они изображают.
Я не думаю, что они показывают европейские Альбино
Я не думаю, что они показывают европейские lutino. Может быть.
У них есть глаза, что lutino.
Я думаю, что они показывают европейского Альбина Белый. Может быть. Существует специальный грунт в Европе. Вы в России имеет много цветов, которые не в Европе у нас есть!

I mean it is incorrect information dear Christina. We have evidence about Full albino genes and Part albino (Lutino) genes. Both genes are independent!!!

Yes, I know this! Agreed!

Please show to us photo of REEA with little melanin amount. I mean you told about Lutino as Albino.

No I know difference! Unfortunately, European Albino (RRE) are extremely rare. I have not seen them since 1993! Perhaps extinct in Europe. I had lots of fotos on old computer that crashed, I can not show you any fotos. *SAD*

There are too many wrong pictures in internet everywhere. I know difference, they do not!

See picture Lutino:
Triangle / Delta European Lutino = WRE
I have had same fish in European Albino RRE 1995-2006. Only difference was eyecolor!
Another Lutino:
Sword-guppy European Lutino = WRE
Micro-melanofores are present also here - green shine

I will try and find some pictures of our correct Albino-Guppy for you from Europe. It will be difficult! Noone is breeding them today.

Hello From Christina

ВладимирДата: Среда, 16.02.2011, 10:34 | Сообщение # 169
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у лютино не микромеланин черного цвета,а меланин преобразованный(частично обесцвеченый) сочетанием генов альбинизма до коричневого цвета и его проявление дает оттенки голубого и светло-зеленого,красно коричневого.
Прикрепления: 5876862.jpg (87.4 Kb)
ВладимирДата: Среда, 16.02.2011, 11:59 | Сообщение # 170
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на фото лютино и альбино
Прикрепления: 9014267.jpg (116.3 Kb) · 9490527.jpg (128.8 Kb)
genetika-guppyДата: Пятница, 18.02.2011, 23:32 | Сообщение # 171
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Quote (christinag)
I know difference, they do not!

We know it too. biggrin

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